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Speech Therapy Specialty Areas

Articulation/Phonological Disorders

We offer treatment for children who have articulation or phonological disorders. Treatment is based on the client's individual needs. Parent and family involvement is encouraged to facilitate transfer of skills to the client's everyday environments.


Treatment focuses on improving the planning, sequencing, and coordination of motor movements for functional communication skills. The family is an important part of therapy.

Speech Group

This program is for kids having difficulty pronouncing one or two of these sounds /r/, /s or z/ /k or g/, /th/, /l/. This program consists of pre and post evaluations, fourteen class sessions. To be certain the children are given individualized attention we limit the classes to two children per class. We do not offer makeup sessions for these classes, as it is the consistency that will make the therapy successful. Most of the children that have gone through the entire 14 sessions have not needed further speech support and have generalized the skills.

Pediatric Feeding Program

(Udie's specialty)

Our feeding program starts with a comprehensive clinic evaluation, if prescribed by the pediatrician, a video fluoroscopic swallow study ( if necessary), and a feeding therapy report and treatment plan. We provide family and caregiver educational support in dealing with feeding related issues.